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You are NOT for everyone!


And it’s a beautiful thing.


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You are NOT for everyone. And it’s okay! It’s great, actually.

We know how much it stings when someone who you thought was a friend talks shit about you, unfollows you or doesn’t invite you. But here’s the thing - as much as there are people who are 100% NOT for you - there are people out there who are SO for you. And sometimes we have to let that shit go so we can make room for people who do fuck with us.

The people you ARE for really will learn to love and understand you as you already are and you won’t have to spend all that extra time and energy pretending not to be the magical badass that we all know you are.

It’s OKAY if someone doesn’t like you.

It’s OKAY if someone doesn’t agree with you.

It’s OKAY if someone drags you on the internet.

It actually doesn’t change anything.

And it’s OKAY if someone doesn’t think you’re cute, smart & funny. (They’re wrong tho :P)

Our NOT FOR EVERYONE is designed specifically for you to let anyone who’s not for you roll right off your shoulders. Smash the button below to shop.


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